Fields: Add/Edit Discovery Source Site

A Discovery source site points to specific databases or instances on the Discovery search source where the data is extracted. It also specifies the connection information to your ILS and OPAC, and how the data from the source site should be handled, such as the catalog standard and the search pipeline.

If you add or edit the settings for a Discovery source site, you must refresh the Discovery search cache afterwards. Your changes are not reflected in Searching or the Admin console until you refresh the search cache. For more information about refreshing the Discovery search cache, see Refreshing the search cache.

Search Configuration > Discovery Search Sources > Discovery Source Sites > Add Discovery Source Site

Discovery Source Name

Displays the name of the Discovery search source for which you are adding or editing a Discovery source site.

Discovery Source Site

Displays the name of the Discovery source site that you are editing.

Note: If you are adding a Discovery source site, this information does not appear.


Specifies a unique code for the Discovery source site (up to 30 characters). This code is used to identify the source site on the Discovery Source Sites page and on any other pages that display the source site code.

Codes are displayed in all upper case letters. If you enter lower case alphanumeric characters for the code, the software automatically converts them to upper case when the code is displayed. The Code cannot include spaces. If you enter a space, Portfolio will display an error message when you save the settings.

Note: This value must be unique. If you enter a code that is already being used elsewhere on the system and try to save the site, the software displays an error message indicating that the value must be unique, and informing you that the value you entered is already being used for another site.


Specifies the system name of the Discovery source site (up to 80 characters) for the specified language. This name is used to identify the source site on the Discovery Source Sites page and on any other pages in the Admin console that display the source site name.

You can edit the name of any delivered Discovery source site to reflect the library or libraries within the site. This can be useful when the Source Site name is visible in search results, such as when displaying availability. For example, instead of using the default name “Marc Records” for the SD_ILS source site, you can change the name to “County Libraries.”

For this field, you can also specify an alternate name for a specific language. Choose the language from the drop-down list of supported languages in the Admin console, then enter the localized name in the field.

Note: If your web browser is configured to use a display language that is not supported by Portfolio and you have chosen to display the Admin console in a language other than the default language (en_US), the language that displays in the drop-down list of supported languages defaults to US English.

If a localized name already exists for a specific language, the software displays that language name differently in the drop-down list. When you enter a localized name for a specific language, the language name appears with a “++” suffix. If you clear the localized name for a specific language, the software displays the language name without the different formatting.


Specifies a text description of this Discovery source site (up to 255 characters).

Note: This field is optional.

Enable Site For "Buy It Now"

Enables the "Buy It Now" button in search results for titles that are harvested from the this source site.

Important: The "Buy It Now" button cannot be enabled until you have requested SirsiDynix to enable "Buy It Now" functionality for individual profiles. The "Buy It Now" button will appear in specific profiles and for specific source sites where it has been enabled.

You should enable "Buy It Now" only for those sites for which a retail site (such as Amazon) would provide for purchase. Enable Site for "Buy It Now" lets you select for which source sites you want to include "Buy It Now" functionality.

By default, Portfolio enables "Buy It Now" for these search sites:

  • MARC Records (SD_ILS)
  • eResource Central Template (SD_ERC_TEMPLATE)
  • DiXML Documents (SD_DIXML)
  • Library Favorites (SD_LIB_FAVS)
  • Other MARC Records (SD_OTHER_MARC)
  • PDF Recordss (SD_PDF)

By default, these sites are not enabled:

  • Asset Documents (SD_ASSET)
  • Rooms Content (SD_CONTENT)

Note: After enabling or disabling the "Buy It Now" functionality, you must run the associated Index task before the "Buy It Now" button will display in search results.

Search Pipeline

Specifies the pipeline, or type of data, that is coming from the Discovery source site.

Note: If you choose a search pipeline that does not handle MARC data, Portfolio disables the ILS and MARC-related options under the “MARC Settings” heading.

You can choose from these options:

Option Description

SirsiDynix DiXML Parser

Parses any DiXML data coming from the Discovery source site.

SirsiDynix Flat File Parser

Parses any COSATI data coming from the Discovery source site. SirsiDynix Symphony supports COSATI flat files as Tech Reports.

Important: Only the Symphony ILS supports the COSATI format. Libraries using the Horizon ILS should not use this search pipeline.

SirsiDynix Library Favorites Parser

Parses any Library Favorites data coming from the Discovery source site.

SirsiDynix MARC Parser

Parses any MARC data coming from the Discovery source site.

SirsiDynix MARC Parser (No Agent)

Parses any non-ILS MARC data coming from the Discovery source site.

SirsiDynix PDF Parser

Parses any PDF data coming from the Discovery source site.

MARC Settings

Web Services

Specifies the instance of Web Services for an ILS server (see Managing web services). Web Services allows the software to retrieve real-time item status information from an ILS to support these features:

  • Display of item availability (see Setting up availability)
  • Display of Request Item only for titles that qualify as holdable

After selecting the web service, you may click the Test Connection button to test the connection to the server. If the Discovery client is able to connect to the server, “Test Successful” displays next to the button.

If the connection to Web Services fails for any reason, it will display “Test Failed”. Verify that the URL is correct.

If the Discovery server is able to communicate with the Web Services instance but the Web Services instance cannot connect to the ILS server, the software displays a message indicating that the ILS server is unavailable.

If you need help troubleshooting connection issues, consult with the administrator for your Web Services instance to verify that the service is running and is properly configured.

Important: If this field is set to None, item details will be unavailable in the Checkout tab of My Account. Item details are still available in all other areas of Portfolio, however.

Default Catalog Standard

Specifies the cataloging standard being used by your ILS for MARC records. By default, Portfolio detects this setting by the last four characters in the leader. If those digits are "4500", Portfolio treats the file as a MARC 21 record. If the last four digits are "450 " (the last character being a space), Portfolio treats the file as a UNIMARC record. Any other code (for example, "45 0" defaults to the selection specified in the Default Catalog Standard drop-down list.

Important: If Portfolio is displaying information from MARC records in incorrect fields, check your MARC records to ensure that the code in the leader is correct. Correcting the code in the records may fix the problem.

MARC Map (Primary MARC Record ID)

Specifies the MARC map that defines the primary MARC record ID for identifying and tracking MARC records in your ILS.

ILS Item Default

Specifies how Portfolio should handle item information by default.

Search Field Defaults

Lets you specify default values for any search field that is available for this Discovery source site.

Search Field

Displays a list of all the search fields available for this Discovery source site.

Note: If you want to display format type icons in Searching, you must specify a value for the Format search field when you set up the Discovery source site for which you want format type icons to display.


Specifies the corresponding default value of the search field. Enter the alphanumeric value that you want to function as the default value for the search, then click Add. Once you have added the default value for the search field, the search field and the default value are displayed in the Defaults field.


Displays the existing search field name with its default value for any search fields where you have specified a default value.

You can remove a search field default by selecting the search field default and choosing Remove.

Important: Do not change the default Format value in Search Field Defaults in the SD_ERC_TEMPLATE search source site. Changing this value will keep your instance of Portfolio from integrating with SirsiDynix eResource Central. For more information, see Setting up eResource Central.

Note: The Relevance Sort search field automatically assigns default values for delivered source sites. For more information about Relevance Sort, see Sorting search results with the same relevance score.

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